AmplifyThis! (now permanently closed) was founded late March to promote accurate and responsible messaging related to COVID-19 and health inequities. They partner with nationwide networks of experts and media outlets to support a public narrative that is rooted in science, integrity, equity and justice. Their objectives are to:
Amplify expert messaging with the goal of advancing beneficial and equitable health outcomes
Promote evidence-based messaging to counter misinformation and disinformation
Center the voices of women, Black people, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ community
Focus attention on racial and gender healthcare disparities
I served as the Digital Communications Manager for AmplifyThis! Below are samples of my work.
social media Content
Carousal Instagram post delineating the different types of Covid-19 vaccines. This is the most-liked post on the Instagram account. The post was promoted, resulting in 94 profile visits and 3,304 impressions in one week.
Facebook ad intended to increase click through rate to AmplifyThis! website. The ad reached 2,261 people in 5 days.
Carousal Instagram post from an interview with one of our experts who decided to vaccinate to protect against Covid-19 while pregnant. This post was made in an effort to dispel any misinformation regarding vaccines and pregnancy.
I integrated brand voice, mission, and style guide into a cohesive creative brief for use when partnering with external organizations, ensuring external partner maintains brand consistency.
I optimized the blog post for SEM using a long-tail key word, delineating the implications of Trump’s refusal to concede on the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 response. The post concludes with a call to action to garner more newsletter subscribers and website hits. The blog can be reached by clicking on the photo.