University of Michigan Social Media Department, UMSocial

UMSocial maintains the strategic direction and development of all university-wide social accounts, as well as college, school and program presences. UMSocial also maintains an official inventory of accounts, provides consultation services and training and offers best practices. The office is focused on encouraging collaboration and promoting a unified campus message. UMSocial staff members also oversee the daily content management of central social platforms and disseminate messaging that promotes university-related initiatives

During my first year of graduate school, I served as a Marketing and Media Associate at UMSocial. Below are some samples of my work.




This is one of many Instagram stories that I created for the main University of Michigan Instagram account. This is part of a series that I started called IntegriTV that taught followers how to be safe and maintain social integrity online. The story highlight can be found here.

I created this photo collage of University of Michigan students, activities, and landmarks with Adobe Photoshop to populate the new UMichStudents account with content before its launch. Check out the UMichStudents account here.



For Valentine’s Day, I collected alumni and current students’ love stories to share across all of our social media channels using the hashtag #UMichLoveStories. Click the photo above to read some of UMSocial’s favorites.

For Valentine’s Day, I collected alumni and current students’ love stories to share across all of our social media channels using the hashtag #UMichLoveStories. Click the photo above to read some of UMSocial’s favorites.



Here at #UMSocial, we love love. In fact, the only thing that we love more than love itself is the University of Michigan. On this Valentine's Day, we thought: why not combine the two?


I wrote this blog to detail the success of #UMichLoveStories across channels. Click the link above to read a break down of the engagement per social platform. The most successful channel was Twitter, with #UMichLoveStories garnering 958 tweets from 751 contributors and 6.2 million impressions during the week of Valentine’s Day. Click here to read through all of the #UMichLoveStories hashtag.




Try out Block M Crown by University of Michigan

Try out Block M Crown by University of Michigan

I created this Snapchat filter in Snapchat’s Lens Studio. Click above to try it out.




While at UMSocial, I created monthly reports on the performance of our UMichStudents accounts. This is a sample report from December 2018.