Women and Gender in public policy (wgpp)

Originally formed in 2002, Women and Gender in Public Policy (WGPP) is comprised of students affiliated with the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.  WGPP engages the Ford School community in a dialogue about gender and related domestic and international public policies. WGPP promotes professional development activities by facilitating communication and networking among current students, Ford School Alumnae, faculty, and working professionals to form a lasting community of policy professionals. 

 As an organization they seek to:

  • Raise awareness of and encourage thoughtful analyses and critiques of domestic and international policies specific to gender and sexuality issues

  • Present speakers, discussion panels and professional development activities

  • Promote the advancement of women and sexual minorities in leadership positions

  • Maintain a formal network with current students, Ford School Alumnae and other policymakers to form a lasting community of policy professionals

I served as Communications Chair for 2 years on WGPP. Below are samples of content I made to promote our events. These were posted on the Ford School social media accounts, as well as email newsletters.